

Cetățenie activă prin educație științifică

2021 – 2022

„SCIENCIVICUS – Cetățenie activă prin educație științifică” a fost un program de schimb de tineri finanțat de Uniunea Europeană, în cadrul căruia participanții au avut ocazia să întâlnească tineri din alte țări europene și să dezbată despre știință și educație civică.

Schimbul de tineri a fost organizat și coordonat de ASUR. Partenerii proiectului au fost asociații din Italia, Malta și Turcia.  

Ideea pe care am dorit să o transmitem prin acest schimb de tineri este că există un mod diferit de a privi cetățenia activă. Ne-am propus să-i învățăm pe tineri cum să devină cetățeni informați și capabili prin cultivarea angajamentului civic și a unei mentalități științifice.

Schimbul de tineri Erasmus+ „SCIENCIVICUS – Cetățenie activă prin educație științifică” a avut loc la București, în perioada 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 și la acesta au participat 30 de tineri din România, Turcia, Italia și Malta.

Participanții au lucrat împreună pentru a-și îmbunătăți înțelegerea științei și au descoperit modul în care problemele științifice pot fi legate de problemele sociale și de politică. Prin dezbateri, discuții de grup, simularea unui proces în instanță și alte activități non-formale, aceștia au creat o narațiune pentru tânăra generație, promovând știința ca model de deliberare democratică rațională și ca instrument de apărare a drepturilor omului.

Ei au avut multe lucruri de învățat despre relația dintre știință, drepturile omului și democrație. S-au distrat, au legat noi prietenii și au descoperit noi culturi, sporindu-și în același timp cunoștințele științifice și abilitățile de gândire critică. Au învățat, de asemenea, cum poate fi folosită știința ca instrument de protecție a drepturilor omului și de creștere a implicării civice a tinerilor din comunitățile lor.


Active citizenship through science education
2021 – 2022

”SCIENCIVICUS – Active citizenship through science education” was a Youth Exchange program funded by the European Union, in which participants have the chance to meet young people from other European countries and debate about science and civics. 

The Youth Exchange was organized and coordinated by ASUR. The partners were associations from Italy, Malta and Turkey.

The idea that we wanted to convey through this Youth Exchange is that there is a different way to regard active citizenship. We aimed to teach youngsters how to become informed and capable citizens by cultivating civic engagement and a scientific mindset.

The Erasmus+ Youth exchange “SCIENCIVICUS – Active citizenship through science education” took place in Bucharest, from 03.04.2022 to 08.04.2022 and 30 young people from Romania, Turkey, Italy and Malta have participated in it.

The participants worked together on improving their science understanding and discovered how scientific issues can be related to social issues and politics. Through debates, group discussions, trial court simulation and other non-formal activities, they created a narrative for the younger generation promoting science as a model of rational democratic deliberation and as a tool to defend human rights.

They had many things to learn about the relation between science, human rights and democracy. They had fun, made new friendships, and discovered new cultures while also increasing their scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills. They’ve also learnt how science can be used as a tool for the protection of human rights, and for increasing civic engagement of youth in their communities.

Testimoniale / Testimonials

”The experience offered by this exchange was eye-opening for me. The activities were engaging and informative, but they were at the end of the day just an excuse to communicate and to try to form some friendships. To become more aware about other European cultures and even more, to become aware of our own culture compared to the other ones. It helped me to connect with people that also work in my field of study and I made some very good friends along the way. ” LAURIAN DUMITRACHE

”To describe it in a few words, to me this experience meant friendship, socializing, and meetings. I liked the topics covered on the internet and on astrology vs. astronomy, the city tour and also the games organised by the Romanian participants. Loooove it! ” ROSA DEGIORGIO

”I loved the presentation on digital citizenship /makerspace. I loved how the facilitator started immediately by including each and every one of us (asking us our name, and a simple 1-10 rating of knowledge of the field + a keyword). I loved how she took notes of what we were saying on a big sheet of paper in this. It automatically engaged everybody. (…) It felt REAL – being let in on the world of a researcher. I really loved the communism/monarchy tour. The activities gave the confidence and skill to be a good public speaker/debate. On the whole, a really fun experience.” MICHAEL VELLA ZARB

”The team building activities played throughout the project were very beneficial. During the biology workshop, we practiced how the information we learned in schools appeared in real life. The interactive activities were helpful to reinforce the information we learned. In the comparative session of astronomy and astrology, everyone was divided into two groups and everyone defended their own topic (…). It was an environment where we could freely express our ideas. (…). We gained information on how to distinguish scientific and non-scientific content, and on which paths we should follow when conducting scientific research and when using the scientific method in general.” AHMET KEREM BILGI

SCIENCIVICUS a fost susținut de:

Acest proiect a primit finanțare din partea Uniunii Europene, prin programul Erasmus+.Codul proiectului: 2020-2-RO01-KA105-080687